

I’m Sarah…

founder of IYNX Music Marketing. I help music artists and their teams reach the next level – or jump a few. With an unshakable commitment to fostering genuine connections and championing your artistic vision, IYNX stands for boundary-pushing ideas and strategic mastery.

I live at the intersection of
Music and Business.

As a multidisciplinary artist, I believe in the life-altering experience that is music, poetry, and visual arts. → Go to my Music Portfolio on Spotify
As a digital marketer, I believe in the power of strategy, skill, and seeing things to completion borders.

My mission is to bridge artistry and strategy, boost careers, and foster authentic connections. I want to see your visions transformed into impactful realities, instilling a sense of awe and wonder in the people you touch.

Over the past years, I’ve learned a ton from developing bands and managing their marketing campaigns. I’ve worked and collaborated with hundreds of artists, labels, creatives, and other industry players across many genres: From indie and emerging artists to icons like Warner Music, Meshuggah, Katatonia, and Amorphis. Weaving a robust network and synthesizing all of this experience into systems has proven transformative for my clients and me.

It’s key to stay hungry and keep learning in the ever-evolving, fast-paced music industry (lol, it’s a chaotic vortex, a shitshow, I feel you, I feel you, there, there – and we love it anyways, right?). I build on the true-and-tested principles of the old Masters of Marketing, draw knowledge from contemporary marketers, inspiration from content creators, insights from the communities we want to serve, and the unique creative vision YOU want to manifest in this world.

I get excited by the magical hustle and bustle of visionary minds coming together…

…and I strive to build true personal relationships grounded in a deep passion for music.

I’m here to help you gain clarity on your vision and ambition, and where you need to focus your resources. And I’m here to help you execute, take massive action, and put in the consistent effort – because that’s the only thing that’s truly going to move the needle.

I want to see you make a difference in the lives of so many looking for identity, community, and the things worthwhile living for:

Mosh pits. Sexy-time. Revolutions.

I’m looking forward to supporting you on this adventure!


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